Shteener's Thoughts and Prayers

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I have been sitting here trying to study and I'm starting to feel anxiety come over me. Why do I feel anxious? Well, for starters I am studying electrons, cathodes, anodes, and all kinds of other words not really worth mentioning. You see even though I am a dental assistant and have been for 5 years I am not certified and am now going to college to become certified. We thought this process wouldn't be this difficult but at times it can be. We are learning terms we have never had to use, procedures that differ from the ones we are currently doing, and realizing that just because Dr. Bryan does it this way it may not be the text books way of doing it. You see in dentistry there a 101 ways a dentist can place a filling, none of which is wrong, it just depends on the dentist prefferance. As I sit here blowing off some steam I am reminded of Phil 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. God has done so much in my life and I am very thankful to him. He has pulled me out of the impossible and placed me where I never thought I would be. Most people don't realize this but teeth have always interested me. I can remember never being afraid of going to the dentist and actually excited when I got my first cavity. Well, when I was 31 God opened the door for me to become a dental assitant and I literally fell into the position. I applied to a job that I didn't know exactly what it was and it ended up I got hired and would be working as an assitant. At first I thought the dentist that hired me was crazy because I had never had experience in the field but he insisted I could learn. He was right, I did learn and have loved my job every since. Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your hearts desires. God has given me my hearts desires and I thank Him for that. Now that my coffee is gone along with the anxiety I will go back to studying. May God bless all of you who read this.


At 10:04 AM , Blogger Heather Dowling said...

Dr. Bryan has all the dentist answers. He's my dentist hero. I'm so proud of you Shteener. You've come so far even in the couple years that I've known you. You're a wonderful sister-in-law and a true friend. Love you!


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